09 mars 2009

George Crewdson

American suburbia through the lens of George Crewdson.

"Continuing his tradition of photographing cinematically staged and darkened realities of suburban life, Crewdson presents characters who exist in a world where American Beauty meets The X-Files. Twilight; in that zone between the certainty of day and fear of the dark, Crewdson sets his eerie, enigmatic photographs. Created as elaborately staged tableaux, this series of images suggests the bizarre yet beautiful surrealities behind deceptively familiar suburban facades."

Den med ögon med sig ser kopplingarna till den här bilden, liksom till den här.

1 kommentar:

glokala birgitta sa...

Mmmmm - fint!
Påminner mig av någon anledning om Ola Billgrens målningar från 60-talet. Känslan av vardagsmiljö som är lite, lite förskjuten...